  • 8天就死去的怪兽的12日谈

  • 主演:斋藤工  武井壮  
  • 状态:[HD]
  • 导演:岩井俊二
  • 类型:剧情片
  • 简介:What can we do to fight an invisible enemy like Covid-19? Japanese special-effects wizard Higuchi Shinji thinks we should use our Godzilla toys as magic-conductive tools for this fight, and put an instruction video on YouTube. Iwai Shunji took up the idea and turned it into a 12-part internet series about the way model/actor/di人和动物交配图rector Saitō Takumi (playing himself) passes his solitary-confinement days by raising three tiny monsters, so-called capsule kaijū: Avigan, Remdesivir and Ivermectin. This is something he and Higuchi rem神印王座下载txt下载embered from their childhood days, from the well-loved special-effects TV series Ultraseven (1967-68), whose hero also grew little helpers. What looks at first like a sweet audio-visual jest with masses of in-jokes and references, reveals itself on closer inspection as an existential show of belief in cinema and television, their shared history as a99视频免视看 source of magic, and of remembrance and play as forces of healing.