  • 批处理81

  • 主演:马克·吉尔  Sandy  Noel  Jimmy  Armida  钱达·罗梅罗  
  • 状态:[HD]
  • 导演:迈克·列昂
  • 类型:剧情片剧情  剧情片  
  • 简介:

    Batch '81 follows the experiences of seven neophytes who are seeking acceptance into the Alpha Kappi Omega fraternity. One of the neophytes, Sid Lucero, tells the story through his eyes. For six monthes, the neophytes我就是这般女子演员表 go through mental and physical humiliation through their "masters."               &am三浦恵理子p;nbsp;                    
                                   After initiation, the neophytes become the new masters of each new batch of applicants, falling prey to the vicious cycle of point搜神传下载less violence.