  • 吸血姬美夕

  • 主演:渡边菜生子  小山茉美  庄真由美  堀川亮  盐泽兼人  纳谷悟朗  
  • 状态:[已完结]
  • 导演:平野俊贵
  • 类型:日本动漫
  • 简介:

    Kyuuketsuki Miyu is a disturbing four episode long anime series about a young immortal vampire princess named Miyu and her protector/servant/best friend and more Larva. In four episodes, a nosy spirit-hunter Himiko Se chases the elusive Miyu because she is very curious abou黑帮大佬和我的365天 有第二集吗t Miyu's past. Miyu, she discovers, is the guardian of the door between the two world: One of the Shinma (...